Sunday, June 12, 2011

She said "Baby, it's 3am.. I must be lonely"

What a weekend.

I won't go into a ton of crazy detail but I spent a good part of yesterday afternoon at the hospital because I had this constant chest pain. I finally got released at around 5:30 after the doctor chalked it up to a bad chest sprain (what!? leave it to me to sprain my chest). I had Keith drop me off/pick me up because I was in too much pain to drive, so when he & Aubrey got to the hospital we went to Target to get a prescription filled but of course the pharmacy was closed already. Sigh.

We decided to have a relaxing night in since I'm out of work til Monday and I never have the weekend off (of course, when we drove by my work on the way to Target it was packed so I probably would have made some pretty decent money. Double sigh). We threw a pizza in the oven and watched Extreme Couponing. I got Keith hooked on this show and now when it's on he tells Aubrey "watch this, Aubrey.. this is what mama is going to do".. if you say so! I would so love to get into doing this but I wouldn't be able to go as um, extreme as these ladies.. but we did save $10 on a $40 purchase when we went to the store yesterday morning and I barely even tried so it's definitely something I want to get into!

But anyway, I realized that I never made a post about our trip to a local theme park. It was Aubrey's first time going and of course, I couldn't find my camera so I actually made Keith go to Walmart before we made the drive and I got a couple disposable cameras (yeah, I went there). Once I get them developed I'll have to scan them in. I did manage to get a couple on my phone..

Keith absolutely despises the headbands that I put on her but I just can't resist!

We road on the Canobie Express, a train that takes you on a ride through the whole park.

Aubrey had a ton of fun going on all of the kiddie rides and we can't wait to take her back this summer!

I'll leave you with a picture of my adorable little cheerleader:

"Goooo Red Sox!"


Anonymous said...

omg so cute! love the first picture & the tiny cheerleader! <3

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