Friday, July 23, 2010

Thankful Friday

I have decided to bring back "Thankful Friday". I never really wanted to "do away with it", but I wasn't posting very much so I kind of just.. fell off the wagon. But, I am posting a lot more frequently and I feel that we have so much to be thankful for and I want to share. :)

This week, I am thankful for..

Wonderful friends. I had been having a crappy week. Things just didn't want to go my way & Aubrey had been super cranky. I checked the mail yesterday and saw that my friend, Sarah, sent me a card and it totally made my day. She made me feel so appreciated. I am so lucky to have such amazing people in my life. :)

Aubrey's messes. Because really, if I didn't have her mess to clean up, what else would I do with while she was napping? ;)

I am also thankful that everything is back to normal with the family. It isn't my place to say exactly what happened, but someone in our close family had a really, really tough week and I'm glad to see him home again with a smile on his face. :)

What are you thankful for this week?
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend <3


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