Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beach baby!

Last summer (if you want to call it that), we had constant rain. It was a drag and a major summer buzzkill. Seriously, the week I was in the hospital after having Aubrey (I had to stay longer because I had a c-section), I was in a bed next to a window where the only view I got was the raindrops falling on the window. This summer doesn't look very promising, either. It's supposed to rain for 5 days straight next week. I checked accuweather & and they both said that the day of Aubrey's party is supposed to be sunny and in the low 80's. I'm praying that it stays that way, though I know that there is a lot of room for that to change. Please keep your fingers crossed!

Aubrey & I went to the beach on Tuesday with her auntie Christina and Christina's friend, Jen. It was fun. We laid out in the sand and got a little sun. I actually got some nice color instead of burning, which was nice. The water was cold so we didn't go swimming, but we did get our toes wet!

Fun in the sun shade!

All the fun wore her out!

We also went for a walk at a local park/walking grounds called Mine Falls. I was excited to use the backpack carrier I scored for $10 at a yard sale last month.

Clearly, she loved it!

"Hi Dad!"

The last few days have been spent doing crazy party planning. I got a huge dent done out of my "Party To-Do" list but there is still a lot to do. I made a list of the things I need to buy for food, decorations, and gifts for Aubrey. I already have some things for her (tote bag that I am going to sew a "sweet pea" (her nickname) patch on, a ton of summer clothes, a pair of sandals, a Little People car, and 6 "Little People" (even though they're animals..). I still want to get her another Little People car, a Little People building, a booster seat for the kitchen (because her high chair takes up so much space!), books, a few sippy cups to try to get her away from the bottle, a pool float, sandals & sneakers (because she has outgrown the ones Grampy got for her not even a month ago!), some letter magnets for the refridgerator, some snacks, and maybe some new bedding if I have some money leftover. Yes, she is spoiled!!! Now I just need to wait til Tuesday when I get paid to go nuts :)

I'm off to go watch Michael Jackson's This Is It. If you haven't seen it, I highly suggest it. I may be biased cos I was (still am) a huge MJ fan.. but ah well :)

Friday, June 11, 2010


Okay, so I was reading Pam's blog [theburrusfamily.blogspot] just now, and realized that she nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger award a while ago (I should really keep up with this!!). Thank you, Pam!!!

The rules for the Beautiful Blogger award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Copy and paste the award to your blog
3. Link the person who nominated you
4. List 7 interesting things about yourself
5. Nominate 7 other beautiful bloggers

Now, 7 interesting things about me... Oh man this will be tough.

  1. I can't stand cold ketchup. It has to be room temperature or I will not eat it.
  2. I spent my childhood summers at fairs with my father. He had a concession stand selling soda, cigarettes, and whatever else he had that year (he was definitely a businessman. He always had something going on.. whether it be statues, Disney movies, gumball machines..). He would stand me up on the booth and make me yell "cold soda, cigarettes!". I also learned how to and made my own fried dough when I was like 10 because he was buddy-buddy with "the fried dough people", who now have a fried dough stand up at the beach I go to every summer.. so I get free fried dough (or my new favorite, funnel cake!) whenever I go up there!
  3. I am still afraid of the dark. I'm determined that there is someone waiting in the shadows to kill me.
  4. I played Harriet Tubman in a 5th grade play. They put a ton of brown makeup on me. I wish I could find pictures to share.
  5. I have a really bad shopping problem. I spend more money on Aubrey's clothes than I will ever admit. I pay more stuff for her clothing than mine (and I know I won't outgrow mine!)
  6. I'm very crafty. I'm trying to open up a little business but I need funds before I can start.
  7. I have an unhealthy addiction to these (clickable) frosted sugar cookies. Whenever I go shopping I need to distract myself from the aisle; especially now since I'm doing a "Biggest Loser" competition for the summer with a group of friends.
I nominate...
  1. Bethany @ Her Little Pearl
  2. Miri @ Here We Are Together
  3. Cheryl @ The Midkiff Family Blog
  4. Adriana @ A World Of My Own
  5. Rachel @ Mrs Rachel Holmes
  6. Tasha @ Surprising
  7. Katy @ Tangerine Hearts
On May 19th, I promised a "huge update very soon". It is now June 11th. Yikes.

Since Aubrey has started crawling, I don't have much computer time. She hates to be confined to her high chair, even when we're feeding her dinner she keeps trying to twist & turn her way out of it. She won't even sit in her seat to watch an episode of Wonder Pets. In the words of Ming-Mind duck, "this is sewious". I have to have my eye on her at all times. I take back the part where I said that motherhood was easy. It is far from easy, but it's the best damn thing that has ever happened to me.

Can you all believe that 2 weeks from tomorrow is her first birthday party? I have been spending the past 2 months thinking of things to do to make it perfect. Yes I realize "she's only one, she won't remember it." But guess what? A camera and my Flip camcorder will help her. In years to come it will show her how excited I was that she was growing up (as much as I hate to admit it). I've got every single little detail planned. I still have a ton of stuff left to do but it's keeping me busy at night while Aubrey sleeps & Keith plays Modern Warfare 2. I've been working on a scrapbook of her first year that I will finish before her party so people can look at it. I also made a slideshow DVD of pictures and videos.. from pictures of the positive pee sticks (yeah, I'm that girl), to my ever-growing belly, to hospital pictures, to videos of her cringing at the tartness of cranberry sauce. I've got it all and have it set to play to four songs ("My Little Girl" by Tim McGraw, "My Girl" by Jackson 5 [of course I had to get some MJ in there], "Let Them Be Little" by Lonestar [I haven't made the DVD yet, so I may change this one and put a faster-paced one in there] & "Forever" by Jesse & the Rippers [yeah, I went there!])

June has been such a crazy month so far, and it's not going to get any better. Whether it be a graduation party, baby shower, Father's Day, or of course, Aubrey's birthday party, we have something to do every weekend this month. Some weekends have 2 events. It's so crazy. If I knew June was going to be so jam-packed with things, I definitely would have had Aubrey's birthday party in the middle of July after the 4th plans have all died down.. but by the time we got wind of all of the things going on, invitations were already ordered and in my hand. There were so many things that I wanted to buy for her as birthday gifts, but I'll have to wait until after because I had to buy graduation gifts, shower gifts, & a Father's Day gift for Keith.

I wish I could post pictures things that I've done so far for the party, but I know that a lot of people that read this are going to be going and it would be nice to not spoil everything.. but I will post this picture, which was one of the ones we used for her invitations.

Anybody who has me added on Facebook has already seen this, but that's okay. It will be fun to look back on :)

One last thing before I sign off, I wanted to share that I am part of a 3 month weight loss comptetion.. "Biggest Loser" style. There are 12 girls and we each put $50 in. The person who loses the biggest percentage of body weight come the beginning of September gets $500 to buy a new fall wardrobe, and the second place winner gets $100. Tomorrow is our first weigh in so I'm really excited to see how everyone is doing. I cheated and looked at the scale last night and I've already lost 4 pounds this week. :)

I promise you'll hear more from me before another month passes!