Friday, February 12, 2010

Grateful Friday

today, i am grateful that my sweetpea has kicked whatever it was that was making her feel miserable. it only lasted a day or two, but it was a day or two longer than i would have liked.

when i finally got her comfortable enough to take a nap, she slept for two hours! that's about 4 times the amount she usually naps, especially when she isn't in her swing.

but, she seems to be feeling much better today. she's back to her old giggly self again.

i also wanted to ask you all to say a prayer, or if you aren't religious then please just keep this family in your thoughts. layla is a beautiful 2 year old girl from the houston, texas area who is slowly losing her battle with cancer. i have never sat here and cried over someone i didn't know.. but this story has me absolutely heartbroken. if you have a child, please hug her/him extra tight tonight, and be thankful that you have them.

hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Homemade baby food & party planning!

i've finally gotten the motivation and time to really think about making aubrey's baby food! we get 31 cans of it for free from wic, but they are all boring flavors and half the time, the grocery store i go to only has a couple kinds in stock so aubrey doesn't have any variety. so, once we get our tax money back i am going food shopping and getting different fruits and veggies, and probably a food processor, and am going to go to town!

if anybody has any good recipes or websites, please feel free to share them! i know of Wholesome Baby Food. i'd especially like your baby's favorites!

another thing i've started to think about is aubrey's first birthday party. yes, it's not until at least june (depending on when my family is going camping, we will have it either june 26th or july 10th). but i have ocd about planning things/making lists/etc. i have the theme picked out already and am gathering ideas from different websites and i can't wait to start making things! if they come out the way i'm picturing them in my mind, i was thinking of making an etsy shop. i make a few things really well, but would like a bigger variety of product before setting anything up on the website. i'm not sure if i'll be sharing the theme before the party actually happens, but we'll see!