Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Tut-tut, it looks like rain.."

the rain is falling on my windowpane,
but we are hiding in a safer place.
under covers staying dry & warm,
you give me feelings that i adore ♥

we're in the middle of a horrible storm. the rain is coming down so hard, we could barely see ten feet ahead of us on the drive home. today was uncle ronnie's wake. he is being cremated & we will be burying the ashes on monday.

i just gave aubrey a bath and she is happy as a clam, sleeping in her swing. when she wakes up i will probably put something on the tv that plays nursery rhymes and sing to her. we were doing that earlier and when "she'll be comin' 'round the mountain" came on and the kids said "choo! choo!" she thought it was the funniest thing. she was cracking up! i wish i got it on video. perhaps i'll put on the same show as earlier and see if she finds it funny this time so i can record her doing it.

what are everybody's plans for this rainy weekend?

Friday, August 28, 2009

"Grateful Friday"

"This week (much like every week,really) has been rather busy,
so I would like to, from now on, look back every friday
& think about the things that made me happy this week."
-miri, at here we are together

miri and i have been friends for quite a long time. we met on greatestjournal years ago and have kept in touch ever since. she has two beautiful children & a wonderful husband. she is such an inspiration and i always look forward to reading her posts. she has inspired me to be more family oriented and to start being more grateful for everything i have been truly blessed with.

this week, i am grateful for:

finding my old camera & seeing pictures from rachel's jack & jill back in september, 2008. this is my new favorite picture of me & my mom:

the cooler weather, which brings warmer pjs & a very snuggly (almost!) 2 month old:

& of course, with the cooler weather, digging out my favorite mug and enjoying my first cup of hot coffee in quite some time:

what are you thankful for this week?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Time for change

it's 4am and i just got the little one back to sleep after being awake for an hour. she usually sleeps til 5 or 6 so i'm hoping tonight was just a fluke.

keith's uncle passed away yesterday. we aren't 100% sure on details right now but word is that he had a heart attack. he was only 55. life is just too, too short.

we have decided to give aubrey her own room, since we are living here til at least june of next year. we will probably be making the transition this weekend. keith & i will be taking the smaller bedroom, as aubrey's crib won't fit through the door without completely taking it apart.

aubrey and i have a date on saturday night that will involve lots of singing and cuddles and aubrey's favorite: tummy time. her neck is becoming quite strong. pretty soon she'll be able to keep it steady. i can't believe how big she is getting, so fast. this sunday will mark two months since my little sweetpea was born. time does go by much too fast.

i would like some blog friends. if you are reading this, please suggest to me a friend or two. it'd be greatly appreciated :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Post - The Introduction

i've been blogging for as long as i can remember. many of my good friends have come from sites such as caleida, greatestjournal, and livejournal. i figured it is now time to steer away from those sites, as many of them just bring a lot of unneccessary drama.

my name is darby. i am 22 years old and live in a small town in northern massachusetts.
i am married to my best friend, keith ryan.i have a beautiful daughter, aubrey elaine

i am a stay at home mama. i love to scrapbook, cook, bake, clean, and read.
if you are reading this, say hello :)